I, Andreia Guerrero. Would honestly say that I am proud of myself. For being able to last this long considering the hardships of life being a transsexual woman. I have been bullied all through-out school, and have commited suicide more than twice, being used and treated terribly by people, by men, being negative and everything, have really come into being a person that I want to. I may not be a powerful, rich nor influential person, not a beautifully, drop-dead gorgeous woman with a perfect body. But aside from all my imperfections, I am imperfectly perfect and I am proud of myself for surviving 32 years and in 3 days 33 years of my life. You only become stronger everyday and you laugh of all the bad memories. Grateful for them because they made me who I am and my most powerful weapon that I share with you all is that everyone needs to smile everyday. Even at their darkest hour. It transforms you and makes you appreciate even the smallest of things.
I love myself, I don't care if I am single for 8 years or probably for life, as long as I am happy and If I am not, I will always smile. To hell with it all. I am an effin' survivor that will always smile and always look at the beautiful side of life